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Learning From Teaching: A Dialogue of Risk and Reflection
Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook
  • Anne Jumonville Graf, Trinity University
Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date

Librarians have not always included discussions of reflective practice as part of our formal, published literature. In fact, in 2005 John Doherty claimed that librarians are not particularly reflective practitioners in general. However, since then there have been reviews of the status of reflection practice across librarianship, calls for more critical reflective practice, examples of that practice, and a variety of models, examples, and frameworks for reflective strategies in library instruction. In this chapter, my focus is on ways that critical reflection can enhance our ability to learn through teaching, especially when our teaching practice involves valuing the voices and experiences of our students.

Nicole Pagowsky & Kelly McElroy
American Library Association
Citation Information
Graf, A.J. (2016). Learning from teaching: A dialogue of risk and reflection. In N. Pagowsky & K. McElroy Critical Library Pedagogy Handbook: Vol.1. Essays and workbook activities (pp. 9-15). American Library Association.