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Contemporary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Concepts, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, Vol. 8, Issue 4
  • Anna Ujwary-Gil

This collection of articles constitutes an important review of innovativeness concepts in micro and macro perspectives and innovation capital measurement as well as organizational learning, modeling and problem-solving, age management or female entrepreneurship. Employees and their innovative behavior are of crucial importance for the organization’s market success. The article provided by researchers from HIVA- KULeuven and CESO-KULeuven contributed to the discussion on how organizations can become more learning and flexible through innovative involvement of their employees. The research also emphasized the significance of distinguishing between various categories of employees (blue versus white-collar workers) in the context of variables used in designing jobs. The article also presents the traditional view of motivating employees to work and analyzes the relations between formulating tasks and innovative work behavior. Related to the first article, the second one reviews the shaping of positive organizational behaviors, looking at them from the military systems of sharing experience and identifies possible solutions helping strengthen positive corporate culture, climate and behaviors conducive to organizational learning based on using experiences. The next article examines the changes that have taken place in the Spanish cod fishing industry in recent years, paying special attention to the relation between innovations and the way the institutions function. It also tries to present the innovativeness process in a company based on systemic innovation approach, it describes changes in production that have taken place in the past few years and analyzes whether the changes in the production sphere translate into changes in the analyzed industry. The part devoted to broadly understood and organizational learning finishes with an article on innovation capital and its quantification based on a synthetic review of specialist literature in defining, categorizing and measuring innovation capital. The author has developed and empirically verified his own concept of evaluating intangible innovation assets. On the other hand, the article by K. Śliwa concerns the problem of the language used in modeling processes and problem solving. The author presented two approaches: the expert one and the interactive one. He also presented the relations between the language used to describe reality and to solve problems. The penultimate article contains considerations on age management and its presentation in macro and micro perspectives. The article lists benefits of implementing the age management strategy both for companies and for particular employees and explains the tools and ways of measuring the effectiveness of implementing knowledge-management strategy. At the end of this Volume 8, Issue 4, the reader can learn about the issue of female entrepreneurship from the perspective of social and business changes, especially in the context of perceiving it a an important source of economic growth and creating new jobs. We would like to thank our authors for their contribution to this volume. We also appreciate the evaluations of particular articles provided by our reviewers, and we strongly believe that the papers included in this volume will contribute to better understanding of complex processes of innovation, learning, problem-solving and entrepreneurship and will spur further research.

  • Innovation,
  • gender,
  • entrepreneurship,
  • problem solving,
  • innovativeness,
  • measurement,
  • age management
Publication Date
Citation Information
Anna Ujwary-Gil. Contemporary Innovation and Entrepreneurship Concepts, Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, Vol. 8, Issue 4. (2012)
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