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Massively parallel computation of spatial price equilibrium problems as dynamical systems
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (1995)
  • Anna Nagurney, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Ding Zhang
  • Takashi Takayama

In this paper we introduce a dynamical system for the formulation and computation of spatial price equilibrium problems in quantity variables. The set of stationary points of the system corresponds to the set of solutions of the variational inequality problem governing the problem. We propose the Euler-type method for the computation of the equilibrium pattern and provide convergence results. We then demonstrate that the algorithm can be implemented on a massively parallel architecture and illustrate its performance on the Thinking Machine's CM-2 architecture. This research represents the first implementation of a massively parallel approach for the computation of either dynamical systems or variational inequality problems arising in economics.

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Citation Information
Anna Nagurney, Ding Zhang and Takashi Takayama. "Massively parallel computation of spatial price equilibrium problems as dynamical systems" Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control Vol. 19 (1995)
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