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Case report of metastatic prostate cancer masquerading as squamous cell carcinoma on the tip of the penis
Urology case reports
  • Nicholas Russo, BS, USF MCOM- LVHN Campus
  • Clifford Georges, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
  • Angelo A. Baccala, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network
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Publication Date
  • Penile metastasis,
  • Prostate adenocarcinoma

We present a 76-year old man with a two year history of Gleason 9 prostate cancer (PCa) presenting with penile pain, erythema, and a fungating mass on the glans. Imaging at initial PCa diagnosis revealed confined disease. His prostate cancer was previously treated with radiation and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) with initial laboratory response via prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels, however his PSA began to rise six months following cessation of ADT. Shared decision making resulted in partial penectomy for symptomatic management. Computed tomography (CT) and bone scan performed after surgery were not definitive for metastatic disease.

PubMed ID
Citation Information
Russo, N. W., Georges, C. E., & Baccala, A. A., Jr (2021). Case report of metastatic prostate cancer masquerading as squamous cell carcinoma on the tip of the penis. Urology case reports, 39, 101804.