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I want a divorce: When the professional becomes personal in academics
Criminal Justice Faculty Research
  • Angela West Crews, Marshall University
  • Gordon A. Crews, Marshall University
  • Mark L. Dantzker
  • Reid C. Toth
  • Jeffrey P. Rush
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Contractual relationships between faculty members and departments are like marriages and tenured relationships like marriages with children. If either party wants out, the implications can be personally and professionally devastating. While faculty quality is periodically evaluated by performance in teaching, scholarship, and service, one’s ability to develop and maintain successful personal relationships within academic environments may impact, even override, acceptable professional performance. Roundtable participants will discuss leaving institutions and being asked to leave institutions due to the personal affecting the professional, seeking other employment after an academic “divorce” ("remarriage"), professional versus personal loyalties, and other related topics.


The presentation was delivered during the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 43rd Annual Meeting. Investing in Quality: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment in Criminal Justice which took place from February 28 – March 4, 2006, in Baltimore, Maryland.

©2006 the authors. All rights reserved.

Citation Information
West, A., Crews, G., Dantzker, M., Toth, R., & Rush, J. "I want a divorce: when the professional becomes personal in academics" Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 43rd Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland. 4 Mar 2006.