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Sex-biased dispersal produces high error rates in mitochondrial distance-based and tree-based species delimitation
Journal of Mammalogy (2014)
  • Liliana M. Dávalos, Stony Brook University
  • Amy L. Russell, Grand Valley State University
Species delimitation using mitochondrial sequences aims to identify species as morphological expertise and biodiversity both decline. Species delimitation in animals relies completely or in part on 2 critera: genetic distance and reciprocal monophyly. Using coalescent simulations of populations experiencing continuous and interrupted gene flow we show that these commonly applied criteria incur both high false-positive and high false-negative error rates in species delimitation when dispersal is sex-biased, as it is in most mammals. The combination of distance- and topology-based critera will incur false-positive error rates well above 5% when ancestral effective population sizes are large and when population structure has been in place for 10,000 years or more. This effect persists even with a subtle bias of 1:4 females:males dispersing in each generation. High false-positive error rates in genetic distances can be overcome by correcting for within-population sequence divergence. We argue that mitochondrial species delimitation requires additional supporting data on ecology, behavior, and morphology, as well as within-population sampling of multiple individuals to ensure that sex-biased dispersal is not the basis for the species limits proposed.
  • barcoding,
  • distance methods,
  • error rates,
  • mitochondrial DNA,
  • monophyly,
  • species delimitation
Publication Date
Citation Information
Liliana M. Dávalos and Amy L. Russell. "Sex-biased dispersal produces high error rates in mitochondrial distance-based and tree-based species delimitation" Journal of Mammalogy Vol. 95 Iss. 4 (2014)
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