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The German Greens are likely to be the new ‘kingmakers’ in the 2013 federal elections
London School of Economics and Political Science EUROPP Blog (2013)
  • Amir Abedi, Western Washington University

Since it was founded in 1948, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) has been in federal government for longer than any other German political party. As Amir Abedi writes, however, the party’s traditional role as ‘kingmaker’ in German elections has been steadily eroded by the emergence of the German Greens and the left-wing Die Linke party. Using recent polling data, he notes that all of the likely coalitions to emerge from this year’s federal elections involve the Greens in some capacity.

  • German Greens,
  • Die Linke party
Publication Date
March 28, 2013
Citation Information
Amir Abedi. "The German Greens are likely to be the new ‘kingmakers’ in the 2013 federal elections" London School of Economics and Political Science EUROPP Blog (2013)
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