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Is the 2010 Global Snowstorms a Contradiction or a Validation of the Climate Change Theory?
University of Copenhagen, NELN+, Nordforsk & The National Environmental Research Institute (2010)
  • Amin George Forji, University of Helsinki
Abstract: There has been a spate of heavy snow storms across Europe, Asia and America, since October 2009. According to scientific revelations, globally, this is the coldest and most severed winter storm in four decades. Since the first international conference on the Environment, held in Stockholm in 1972, the international community has become increasingly concerned about man’s activities and “the environment”. The Climate Change theory which provides that man’s activities have led to an increase in the average temperature of the Earth (Global warming) has despite criticisms also been gaining steam. The recent snowstorms have if anything, only come to fuel new controversies. Is Climate Change unprecedented or within normal historical climatic variations? Is it the activities of humankind or natural occurrences that are responsible for climatic woes? In other words, if the earth warming progressively, why all the snow? Although critics are delighted in this irony, it is imperative to point out that the climate change theory actually predicts an increase in global precipitation and heavy precipitation events. Winter storms do not invalidate the theory but rather corroborate it. Environmental analysts have indicated that snow and global warming aren’t mutually exclusive. What is becoming obvious is the fact that that global warming ultimately leads to extreme temperatures. Scientists have been warning for decades that global warming would sometime increase the severity of winter storms. Moreover, an isolated winter like the present is definitely not enough to erode the fact that the planet has just experienced the hottest decade in record. KEYWORDS: Snowstorms, climate change debate
  • Environmental Science,
  • Snowstorms,
  • climate change debate
Publication Date
Spring March 22, 2010
Citation Information
Amin George Forji. "Is the 2010 Global Snowstorms a Contradiction or a Validation of the Climate Change Theory?" University of Copenhagen, NELN+, Nordforsk & The National Environmental Research Institute (2010)
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