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Black Americans and Interracial Marriage: A Focus on Black Women
Sociology Mind (2012)
  • Amadu Jacky Kaba, Seton Hall University

This paper claims that although there has been a significant increase in the number of scholarly publica-tions on interracial marriages in the United States in recent decades, most of these publications tend to focus on the small but visible increase in marriages, co-habitations and dating; how Whites or European Gentile Americans are gradually becoming accepting of these relationships; the factors that are causing non-Blacks to “reject” Blacks; and specifically factors that are causing White men and other non-Black men to “reject” Black women. As a result, the paper attempts to contribute to this topic by focusing on an important phenomenon—that it could actually be Black women who are turning down non-Black men. The paper presents eight factors that may be causing Black women to turn down interracial romantic rela-tionship requests from non-Black men.

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Citation Information
Amadu Jacky Kaba. "Black Americans and Interracial Marriage: A Focus on Black Women" Sociology Mind Vol. 2 Iss. 4 (2012)
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