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Technique to Improve Cement Penetration in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Marshall Journal of Medicine
  • Richard Boe, Jr, Marshall University
  • Ali Oliashirazi, Marshall University
Author Credentials
Richard Boe, Jr., MD, Ali Oliashirazi, MD
  • arthroplasty,
  • total knee arthroplasty,
  • cement penetration,
  • suction

In total knee arthroplasty, infection has always been cited as being the number one cause of failure. However, more recent studies have shown aseptic loosening as the top reason for failure now. Proper cement technique is an important factor in reducing the occurrence of aseptic loosening. Clean and dried bone are important in achieving rigid cement fixation. Subchondral cysts may be hidden below the cut bone surface and may interfere with cement interdigitation. During a recent total knee arthroplasty case, a simple technique was developed for identifying and clearing out these cysts. By only using the suction tip, the gentle sweeping of the cut-surface will excavate hidden subchondral cysts allowing for improved cement interdigitation.

Citation Information
Richard Boe and Ali Oliashirazi. "Technique to Improve Cement Penetration in Total Knee Arthroplasty" p. 57
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