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Managing Communication in New Product Development Process: Virtual R&D Teams and Information Technology
  • Nader Ale Ebrahim
  • Shamsuddin Ahmed
  • Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid
  • Zahari Taha
Literature proves the importance of the role of information technology in increasing the effectiveness of virtual R&D teams’ communication for new product development. However, the factors that make information technology construct in a virtual R&D team are still ambiguous. Managers of virtual R&D teams for new product development do not know “which type of technology should be used”. To address the gap and answer the question, the paper presents a set of factors that make a construct that contribute to effective communication strategy for virtual R&D teams. The proposed construct has been modified based on the findings of a field survey. This work empirically examines the relationship between information technology construct and its factors by employing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). A measurement model is built based on the 19 preliminary chosen factors that have been extracted from literature review. The result shows that 10 factors can make a technology construct. These 10 factors can be grouped into two different constructs, namely Web-based communication and Web-based data sharing. The study findings can help new product developers to concentrate on the main factors for leading effective communications among virtual R&D team members. In addition, this work provides a guideline for software developers to create appropriate tools for virtual R&D teams.
  • Virtual R&D teams; Collaboration; Questionnaires; Performance; Cross-Functional teams; Product development; Structural equation modeling; Measurement model.
Publication Date
July, 2011
Citation Information
ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. Year. Managing Communication in New Product Development Process: Virtual R&D Teams and Information Technology. In: United Kingdom - Malaysia - Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011) 12-14 July 2011 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya Press, 495-502.