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Unpublished Paper
De Bonus Vetus OLS: Approximating the international trade-cost effects of red tape
  • Alberto Behar, University of Oxford
We apply the Baier & Bergstrand Taylor Approximation of multilateral resistance terms to analyse the effects of export red tape on exports. Our variable of interest is the documents/signatures required for exports. Being a country-specific variable, it provides an ideal candidate for employment of the approximation instead of alternative methods like fixed effects. We derive a specification that gives a consistent estimate of the gravity model parameters and an isomorphic specification yielding the average comparative static effect, which is typically a small fraction but is positively related with country size. Our theoretical results are illustrated with monte carlo simulations and supported by the data. Estimates suggest 1 extra signature leads to 7% lower exports on average. However, most countries are much smaller than average, so the median effect is only 0.5%.
  • Gravity,
  • Multilateral Resistance,
  • Exports,
  • Documents
Publication Date
Citation Information
Alberto Behar. "De Bonus Vetus OLS: Approximating the international trade-cost effects of red tape" (2009)
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