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Response-reinforcer independence and the economic continuum: A preliminary analysis
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of behavior (1993)
  • Abdulrazaq A. Imam

Three pigeons were exposed to 1-hr and 4-hr sessions during which they earned food under a fixedratio 50 schedule of reinforcement while obtaining additional food according to either a variableinterval or a variable-time schedule. Postsession food was provided after the 1-hr sessions. The frequency of the variable-interval and variable-time food presentations was varied under the two session durations. The various combinations of within-session earned and unearned food, as well as the postsession food, defined conditions on the open-to-closed economy continuum. Key pecks tended to increase as the frequency of either variable-interval or variable-time food decreased. An economiccontinuum analysis based on an independence quotient as a measure of response-reinforcer independence is presented to account for the effects.

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This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the SEAB journal. It is not the copy of record
Citation Information
Abdulrazaq A. Imam. "Response-reinforcer independence and the economic continuum: A preliminary analysis" Journal of the Experimental Analysis of behavior Vol. 59 (1993)
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