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The Syi-gung Transition
Warring States Papers (2010)
  • A. Taeko Brooks, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

George Kennedy inaugurated the rational study of the Chun/Chyou (CC) by suggesting that the completeness of CC data for the deaths of non-Lu rulers need not be a coded message from some later moral arbiter, but may simply reflect the information available to the Lu court, and that this in turn might depend on the quality of interstate communications.1 I here develop this suggestion, and argue for a turning point under Syi-gung (r 0659-0627), within Kennedy’s “gradually widening horizon” – a change, part of which indeed entailed a wider geographical awareness, in the position of Lu as one of the Spring and Autumn states.

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Citation Information
A. Taeko Brooks. "The Syi-gung Transition" Warring States Papers Vol. 1 (2010)
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