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Intervention Intensity for Speech Sound Disorders: How Much and for How Long?
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention
  • Elise Baker, The University of Sidney
  • A. Lynn Williams, East Tennessee State Univeristy
Document Type
Publication Date

Seminar Outline 1) What is intervention intensity? 2) What do we know about the intensity of intervention for SSD in children? 3) How might SLPs use the evidence on intervention intensity in their everyday management of SSD in children?

San Diego, CA
Copyright Statement

This document is the intellectual property of the author(s). It was originally published by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention.

Citation Information
Elise Baker and A. Lynn Williams. "Intervention Intensity for Speech Sound Disorders: How Much and for How Long?" American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention (2011)
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